finsit API - AgencyCompany

A collection of help pages for using the API.


URL /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company/{companyId}
Accepted verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

Provides methods to get or manage companies that are connected to a specified agency.

GET /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company

Gets a list of all companies that are connected to the specified agency.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
agencyId Id of the agency.

URI parameter


The requested list of CompanyInfo.

GET /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company/{companyId}

Get a specific company that is connected to the specified agency.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
agencyId Id of the agency.

URI parameter

companyId Company id of the company to fetch.

URI parameter


The requested CompanyInfo.

POST /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company

Create a new company that will be connected to the specified agency.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
agencyId Id of the agency.

URI parameter

apiCompany The new CompanyInfo to create.

Body data


The newly created CompanyInfo.

PUT /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company/{companyId}

Update a company that is connected to the specified agency.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
agencyId Id of the agency.

URI parameter

companyId Company id of the company to update.

URI parameter

apiCompany Updated CompanyInfo information.

Body data


The CompanyInfo with updated information.

DELETE /Api/v2/Agency/{agencyId}/Company/{companyId}

Delete a company that is connected to the specified agency. When a company is being deleted it will also delete all users that does not have any connection to other companies. I.e. company users that were created only for this company will be deleted from the system, while agency consultants that works with many other companies will remain in the system and only remove their connection to the deleted company.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
agencyId Id of the agency.

URI parameter

companyId Company id of the company to delete.

URI parameter