finsit API - CompanyChartOfAccounts

A collection of help pages for using the API.


URL /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts/{chartOfAccountsId}
Accepted verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

The organization of sections consist of a account group tree (children) and a number of pre-defined account groups (knownGroups) that references nodes in the tree (a kind of directed acyclic graph). The account group tree consist of account groups that themselves consist of account groups. Finally, on the last level (the tree leaf) you will find an account interval group or an account list group. Account groups has presentation friendly names that are presented as headlines in the reports where they are being used. Account group intervals holds a list of account intervals (e.g. 1345-1350). Account List groups hold a list of accounts (e.g. 1245, 1231). These intervals and list of accounts does not have any names and are not presented as headlines in reports. Account interval groups differ from account list groups by containing every possible account in the specified intervals. An account list group which is specified as "1234, 1235" contains only 1234 and 1235. However, account interval group which is specified as "1234-1235" contains 1234, 1234a, 1234b, ... , 1235. The predefined account groups, such as NetSales, Assets, etc, are groups that are required in order to calculate key figures and graphs. They point to branches or leafs in the tree. PLEASE BEWARE: It is strongly advised not to mix account list groups and account interval groups while building chart of accounts. There are several edge cases for interactions between account list groups and account interval groups that are not fully supported and probably not going to be supported in the near future.

GET /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts

Get all chart of accounts for a company.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
companyId Company id.

URI parameter


The requested list of ChartOfAccounts.

GET /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts/{chartOfAccountsId}

Get a particular chart of account by its id.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
companyId Company id.

URI parameter

chartOfAccountsId Id for the chart of account. The identifiers: EuBas97, Bas96, Ns4102, Fast2005 are reserved for predefined configurations.

URI parameter


The requested ChartOfAccounts.

POST /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts

Create new chart of accounts definition.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
companyId Company id.

URI parameter

apiChartOfAccounts The new ChartOfAccounts to create.

Body data


The newly created ChartOfAccounts.

PUT /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts

Update an existing chart of accounts definition.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
companyId Company id.

URI parameter

apiChartOfAccounts Updated ChartOfAccounts information.

Body data


The ChartOfAccounts with updated information.

DELETE /Api/v2/Company/{companyId}/ChartOfAccounts/{chartOfAccountsId}

Delete a chart of accounts definition. It is not possible to delete a definition that is currently being used for a fiscal year.

NameDescriptionAdditional information
companyId Company id.

URI parameter

chartOfAccountsId Id for the chart of account to delete. The identifiers: EuBas97, Bas96, Ns4102, Fast2005 are reserved for predefined configurations.

URI parameter